D&B House Sitters


Up to 3 animals - €30 or £30 per day

We count up to 12 chickens as one animal. We count 4 cats/sheep/pigs as one animal.
We count 1 horse/donkey as one animal.


1 dog, 4 cats and 12 chickens would be €30/£30 per day

1 dog and 8 cats would be €30/£30 per day

Each additional pair of dogs will cost an additional €5/£5 per day

Each additional 4 cats will cost an additional €5/£5 per day


2 dogs, 8 cats, 2 pigs, 2 sheep and 12 chickens would be €40/£40 per day

We walk dogs twice a day, unless owners instruct us that their dogs only require walking once. These examples above assume that non of the animals require any additional walks, are on any medications or have other special requirements.

We will not undertake any sit which includes the care of reptiles or insects.

From experience, we know how diverse and complex some house and pet-sits can be.

Please contact us to discuss your individual sitting requirements in more detail.
We are very happy to tailor your sitting package to your specific house and pet needs.

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